5 Ways to Blossom with TOKC

Grow with TOKC

Over the years, TOKC has become a spirit of hope for children and families fighting pediatric cancer. The tree in our logo embodies this spirit, symbolizing life and strength that grows steadfast in the face of challenges, just like the patients we fight for.


With the help of our supporters and their donations, we’ve funded over $3 million of research to improve the treatment and survivability of pediatric cancer. Because our supporters have helped us to grow into what we are today, we wanted to give you some ways for you to blossom with us!

  1. Invest in a Good Cause

Donations help fuel the spirit of hope that TOKC provides to kids with cancer. Any donation helps close the gap in research funding that these kids desperately need.

  1. Focus on Helping Others

Positively impacting the lives of those in need has been proven to foster happiness. Helping others and volunteering your time promotes a greater sense of community and purpose. You can volunteer to help spread awareness about pediatric cancer or help us fundraise to increase the survivability and treatment of pediatric cancers.

  1. Believe in Yourself

Trust your ability to achieve your goals and make a positive impact in the world. Look to individuals, like pediatric cancer patients, who have faced impossible challenges to show you that anything is possible!

  1. Face Your Fears

Conquering even our smallest fears prove that you have the strength to overcome obstacles. The patients that we work with embody this strength, carrying the weight of unimaginable circumstance with a smile on their face. If they can, so can you!

  1. Be Mindful of Yourself and Others

Focusing on the moment helps you appreciate what you have. With this perspective, we are better equipped to take on the world and help others that are in need.


We hope that in your growth, you help others like pediatric cancer patients blossom into the inspiring adults they hope to be one day. By helping TOKC, you can provide funds necessary for research to end pediatric cancer and make these kids’ hope a reality.